Storing Your Off Season Clothing

Organize Seasonal Clothing
As winter’s crisp air signals the changing season, it’s time to lavish attention on your wardrobe. Safeguarding and storing your clothes properly in the off season extends their lifespan ensuring a seamless transition the next season.
Clean Before You Store:
Before tucking away summer clothes and unveiling winter coats, prioritize cleanliness. Lingering stains
attract moths, and spills can set over time. Launder or dry clean your clothes, paying special attention to
those in direct contact with your skin.
Invest in Quality Storage Containers:
Opt for storage containers that thwart moisture and mildew. Plastic bins with tight-fitting lids are
optimal for dust and pest prevention. Consider adding an extra layer of protection with garment bags
for delicate items.
Use Natural Repellents:
Shield your winter wardrobe from pests using natural repellents. Place cedar blocks or lavender sachets
in storage containers for effective deterrence without resorting to harsh chemicals found in traditional
Mind the Humidity:
Combat moisture, the nemesis of stored clothes. Ensure adequate ventilation in your storage space and
use moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packets, to maintain a dry environment—crucial for
preventing mold, especially in natural fibres like cotton and wool.
Fold, Don’t Hang:
Preserve the shape of your knitwear by resisting the temptation to hang everything. Fold heavy
sweaters, and other knit items to maintain their shape during storage.
Pro Tip: Still prefer to hang your clothing while it’s in storage? Use padded hangers or wrap the triangle
portion of your hangers with bubble wrap before hanging garments. This trick helps prevent clothing
from stretching out of shape at the corners of hangers.

Bubble Wrapped Hanger
Rotate Your Wardrobe:
Adopt the habit of seasonal wardrobe inspection and rotation. Rediscover forgotten gems while
ensuring all clothes receive equal attention. Inspect clothing for damage then store out-of-season items
at the back of the closet or in storage containers.
Pro Tip: Safeguard against colour fading and brittle fabric by choosing a cool, dark storage space. If your
storage area has windows, use curtains or blinds to prevent sunlight exposure.
Being Environmentally Conscious is Good for Clothing:
Ditch plastic dry cleaning bags: they trap moisture that leads to musty odours. Instead choose
breathable fabric garment bags or cotton pillowcases to protect your clothes.
Pro Tip: Simplify retrieval of seasonal clothing by labelling and organizing storage containers by
category. This approach makes locating specific items easy without having to go through every box in
your storage unit.
Taking care of your clothing while it’s tucked away in storage ensures that your favourite cozy
sweater or cotton sundress will be ready when you reunite for a new season.
~ Gillian Sumpay