Holiday Storage Hacks
An ornament storage chest is great for keeping your holiday gear organized. These specialized chests start at $105. For $18 you get the same level of organization from a wide drawer plastic organizer like those made by Sterlite. I have used this plastic drawer system for Christmas decorations for years. It’s light weight and its three drawers allow me to organize what goes on the tree first to last by drawer.
I also save the boxes and tins that Christmas chocolates come in to store some decorations, particularly flat style decorations like those made by the children at school.
For delicate decorations I reuse Christmas gift boxes and place each decoration inside either wrapped in a paper baking cup or a coffee filter.
Plastic decorations are a boon to those of us with kids and pets. These I just toss in one of the plastic drawers. But, I still have some smaller delicate pieces that I’ve collected over the years. My latest hack is using egg cartons for these ornaments.
Here’s one more tip. If you have an artificial tree, once it’s stripped of its glam and glitter, recycle a couple of old belts to use as cinches on the tree to make it more manageable and take up less storage space.
Now, if you are still ogling those high priced Christmas organizers we have a treat for you. Comment on our blog by adding your holiday storage tip and we’ll enter you in a draw for an ornament storage box.
Have a happy and organized New Year!